Ethical Cloud Data Systems

Combining Privacy with Accessibility

Tackle 2024’s data challenges and dilemas with a trusted parter with decades of experience.

Do Good


Collect and manage data without harvesting and commodifying people.  Exceed standards like PIPEDA to earn and respect the trust of users.


We all benefit from systems that everybody can use easily. Meet and exceed accessibility requirements like AODA and WCAG.


Rest easy knowing your data is safe behind serveral solid firewalls, encryption, and locks like Cloudflare, Wordfence, OWASP, and OAuth.


Replace dozens of conflicting spreadsheets, docs, and platforms spread across desktops and Drives with a unified system.

AI Integrity

Use AI systems like OpenAI’s ChatGPT applications without exposing private information as training data for their models.

Cloud Based

Redundnancy, backups, performance, and distribution powered by a global network of servers with infrastructure from Cloudflare, Hetzner, and Vultr.


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